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WebCore's TYCOR W core material GL approved for wind blades

The certification by GL, a leading international design certification agency for the wind industry, includes the design and manufacture of TYCOR W products at WebCore Technologies’ manufacturing facility in Miamisburg, Ohio, USA.

“This independent assessment of TYCOR W’s performance and manufacturing environment provides critical validation of our products and makes it easier for blade designers to specify TYCOR W,” reports Doug Ventura, CEO for WebCore.

“This certification represents another major accomplishment following on the heels of our recent capital infusion and strategic alliance with 3B, and positions WebCore to meet the needs of blade makers globally.”

TYCOR W is a patented composite core material combining fibre reinforcements, such as E-glass roving or mat, with closed-cell, low density foam in an engineered architecture. It has been in use for over two years in utility-class wind turbine blade. The GL certificate of approval qualifies TYCOR W for use with additional 1.5-3.0 MW turbines that have blade lengths in the 40-60 m range.

For further information on the use of TYCOR W core material in wind turbine blade manufacture see the feature article: Bigger blades mean better opportunities for new core materials.