The plastic 'IC01-Chair' was designed by Brazilian designer Guto Indio da Costa.
The chair is made of Ticona's glass fibre reinforced polypropylene (PP) Celstran® LFT with 30% glass fibre content in a single moulding process.
According to Ticona, Celstran PP LFT outperformed rival materials – including non-reinforced polypropylene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and chopped strand reinforced nylon and polyesters – in terms of freedom of design, processability and cost.
Weighing just 5.5 kg, the glass reinforced PP chair weighs much less than competing models made of other materials.
"In addition to the significant weight and cost advantages over typical materials used in similar applications, this Celstran PP LFRT offers high stiffness, strength, toughness and low warpage while providing wide design latitude, colourability and a much better surface finish out of the mould," reports Simone Orosco, Development and Marketing Manager of Ticona, Brazil. The chair was manufactured by Pnaples, a plastics processing company based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.