CG TEC and Refitech sign strategic partnership agreement

One of the first joint CG TEC/Refitech products is a range of pull-winding tubes, for which a dedicated production line was set up in China. (Photo courtesy CG TEC.)
One of the first joint CG TEC/Refitech products is a range of pull-winding tubes, for which a dedicated production line was set up in China. (Photo courtesy CG TEC.)

CG TEC, which makes fiber rods and tubes, and Refitech, which makes composite components, have signed a strategic partnership agreement.

Under the agreement CG TEC will act as a representative for all Refitech products in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and expand its portfolio with 3D shaped products. In turn Refitech will represent CG TEC in the Benelux market.

The companies have already jointly developed a range of carbon fiber pull-winding tubes. The the next step is to produce a range of standardized lengths and diameters and offer them online.

Refitech and CG TEC said that they aim to expand their network by inviting strategic distribution partners in Europe to join the partnership. ‘Ideally we want to create a pan-European platform of like-minded composite related companies and we gladly invite them to explore our joint possibilities,’ said Oliver Kipf, CEO of CG TEC.

This story is reprinted from material from Refitechwith editorial changes made by Materials Today. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Elsevier.