Brazilian composites sector reports third quarter revenues

From July to September of this year, 51,000 tons of composites were produced in the country, which is 4% higher than in the previous quarter. When compared to the amount of material processed in the same period of 2013, however, the performance was 5% lower.

The figures are part of the latest survey conducted by Maxiquim, a consulting firm hired by the Latin American Composite Materials Association (ALMACO).

For the fourth quarter, Maxiquim estimates a 6.5% revenue increase and 3.2% increase in the volume produced. For the year, Maxiquim estimates that the revenue in the composites sector should total US$ 1,3 billion, 0.5% higher than in 2013, and 206,000 tons processed (-1.8%).

“The growth in the third quarter and the projection that the upcoming months will be even better are associated with the increased demand in specific niches of the construction sector, such as the construction works of schools and houses, in addition to infrastructure, with special mention to sanitation, and investments in wind farms,” said Gilmar Lima, president of ALMACO.

Lima also notes that the jump of almost 10% in the revenue of the last quarter is a result of the combination of business involving products of higher value added and price adjustments driven by the successive increases in raw material prices.