Hexagon Raufoss to supply composite CNG tanks to US car maker

Hexagon Raufoss CNG system.
Hexagon Raufoss CNG system.

The contract is worth NOK90 million over a four-year period.

The lightweight composite cylinders will be supplied to a production plant in Latin America and will serve as fuel tanks for a popular compact passenger car model running on natural gas.

"With over 5 million natural gas vehicles on the road traditionally steel cylinders have been used for the after-market conversion of passenger cars in Latin America,” says Hexagon Raufoss' Director of Sales Frank Häberli.

“With a large OEM introducing composite cylinders for the first time to its global vehicle platform in this market, the Latin American NGV market has opened up for Hexagon."

The type 4 cylinders (composite high pressure cylinder with polymer liner) are made from a HDPE plastic liner with full composite wrapping.