Composite market survey: the results

This follows a monthly member survey conducted by AVK, CFK Valley, CCeV and VDMA.

Following trends in previous surveys, the current economic situation is seen as positive by the respondents. However, whereas in the last survey nearly 90% viewed the economic situation as’quite positive’ or ‘very positive’, this share has gone down to just over two thirds of all respondents. The situation is seen as particularly critical in Europe, whereas it is generally rated as better for Germany and on a global scale.

However, some 90% of respondents believe that the economic situation will be the same or even better in the relevant regions (i.e. Germany, Europe and worldwide) over the next six months. 

Nearly 30% of respondents reported that they are planning to recruit new staff in 2015, compared with only 10% who are planning to downsize their workforce. Nearly two third of respondents are hoping to make investments this year.

Growth drivers

The main impetus for growth in this survey is believed to come from carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFP). When asked which future growth drivers they perceived on the material side, nearly half of all respondents specified CFP. The regional drivers in this segment are seen to be Germany and Asia.

For the first time the survey also covered the respondents’ assessment concerning future developments in different areas of application. The automotive and aviation industries are apparently expected by the composites industry to display the most positive development, followed by wind energy.

The next issue of the Composites Market Survey will be published in July 2015.