The new 33 800 m2 facilities are the first of what will be an 80 000 m2 manufacturing compound, comprising production, technical support, office areas and other services.
53% of the A350 XWB aircraft’s structure will be made of composite materials. The Harbin Manufacturing Centre will produce components including rudders, elevators, Section 19 maintenance doors and belly fairing parts – a significant part of the 5% A350 XWB airframe work packages share to be carried out in China.
Equipment and technology housed at the Harbin Manufacturing Centre includes automated-tape-laying, autoclave, automated trimming, and non-destructive test equipment.
By 2016, around 600 employees are expected to be working at the Harbin Manufacturing Centre.
Airbus joint venture
Harbin Hafei Airbus Composite Manufacturing Centre is a joint venture between Airbus China and a group of Chinese partners comprising Harbin Aircraft Industry Group Corporation Ltd, Hafei Aviation Industry Company Ltd, AviChina Industry & Technology Company Ltd and Harbin Development Zone Infrastructure Development Company Ltd. It started production of A320 elevators, rudders and horizontal tail plane (HTP) spars in December 2009.
A350 XWB
Chinese companies contribute 5% of the A350 XWB airframe work packages.
The A350 XWB is scheduled to enter into service in the second half of 2013. The final assembly of the aircraft will start at the end of 2011 at a new building in Toulouse, France.