Acrastrip resin cleaner now available in wipes

Available from Ashland Distribution, Acrastrip 600 cleaner enables manufacturers to eliminate traditional acetone for industrial cleaning and now this, as well as the new, corn-solvent-derived Acrastrip 950 stripper technology, is available in easy-to-use wipes.

“Every composites manufacturer winds up using some sort of cleaning solvent,” says Don Belock, director of Composites for Ashland Distribution. “By using Acrastrip products, companies can actually save money and not have to worry about the hazardous waste that traditional acetone removers leave behind.”

As with the liquid Acrastrip resin remover, which is available in pails and drums, the wipes provide a safe, non-flammable, HAPS-free option for resin removal. The wipes come in a plastic canister and are sold in cases of six.

Over the past two years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognised the benefits of using Acrastrip products by awarding multiple companies with a Design for the Environment award. A programme designed by Ashland helps customers achieve EPA recognition for their environmental stewardship efforts when they switch to Acrastrip cleaning fluid from traditional acetone.

“Almost any company currently using acetone-based solvents for resin removal is a candidate for Acrastrip cleaners,” says Belock. “And as companies become more and more dedicated to environmental stewardship, more converts to Acrastrip cleaners are inevitable.”