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Reinforced Plastics: Guidelines for feature articles

These are the guidelines for authors wishing to submit feature articles to Reinforced Plastics magazine and website.

Reinforced Plastics is a magazine and not an academic journal. Articles should be broadly accessible – some of our readers will have a technical background, others will not. We cover commercial developments in the global composites market, including new projects/applications using composite materials, new composite products or processes, composite market developments, business issues etc.

Reinforced Plastics is an international magazine with readers throughout the world, many of whom do not speak English as a first language. Avoid using jargon, colloquialisms and clichés. Keep sentences short and simple. If acronyms are used they should be spelt out in full on their first use with the acronym following in brackets; for instance, European Union (EU). On all subsequent occasions use the acronym. Similarly, trademarks are only included the first time a product is mentioned. Foreign names should take their local form (with the English equivalent following in brackets).


Feature articles are typically 2000 to 4000 words in length.


Authors should submit their material via e-mail if possible. Our preferred text format is Microsoft Word. Please send pictures in a separate file to the text of the article (see also Pictures & Graphics, below).

Boxes/Side bars

These are between 250 and 750 words long. They are used to explain, in more detail, an issue which would otherwise interrupt the flow of the main article. Often they describe a case study relevant to the main article e.g. a company using the composite/equipment/process etc described in the feature.

Pictures & Graphics

Good quality pictures and illustrations are essential to attract the reader's attention to your article. Diagrams, charts, tables etc can also be used.

Please supply captions for all your pictures/illustrations.

Electronic images may be sent electronically, in a separate file to the text, although it is preferred if they are included in the text with the relevant captions.

Electronic images must be supplied as high resolution files to the following specifications:

  • preferred format: EPS with JPEG compression or TIFF.
  • TIFF: minimum file size 3 Mb, preferably saved as CMYK.
  • JPEG: minimum file size 300 kb.
  • scanning spec: minimum resolution for photos is 300 dpi.
  •  Word pictures: please supply graphics separately and not embedded into Word.

Please also supply links to relevant videos if available.


Always use SI and SI-derived units unless the industry standard is different.

Contact details

Reinforced Plastics includes the author's details at the end of the article so that readers can contact them directly. Please provide the author's name, job title, address, telephone, e-mail and company website, plus a brief outline of the author's composites expertise.

Feature submission

Please send the feature text and illustrations to the Editor. To ensure the feature is suitable for publication in the magazine we advise you to discuss the article's content with you prior to submission of the feature.


All articles published in the magazine require the author to sign a copyright agreement.


Together with your feature we ask that you provide a 300-400 word blog for our website which acts provides further comment on the topic and acts as useful publicity for the article. View our guidelines for blogs here. Questions? Please contact the Editor.