Once in a while, a product will come along whose performance will drive a change in standards across entire industries. Like stainless steel. Or concrete. Or a trench cover which is over 80% lighter than the cast iron traditionally used, eliminating the need for costly specialised lifting equipment and the accompanying health and safety hazards. And, unlike metal and concrete infill covers, it's engineered from a GRP composite material which is inert and impervious to corrosion from water and salt, as well as many other corrosive constituents.
Fibrelite is a manufacturer of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) composite manhole and trench access covers capable of taking up to 90-tonne loads while still light enough to be removed manually by one or two people. In 1980, Fibrelite designed the world's first composite manhole cover, eliminating manual handling and other health and safety issues associated with traditional metal covers.
The company's GRP composite trench and manhole covers are fast usurping metal and concrete covers to become the standard for high-performance industries like airports, commercial ports, leisure cruise terminals, military and defence, power generation (both traditional and renewables), and data centres, with companies such as Magnox, The National Grid, all branches of the UK armed forces, and the world's largest technology brands specifying Fibrelite covers for new build and retrofit projects.
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