Laser scanner designed for high-speed measurement

Exact Metrology has introduced the Hexagon RS6 laser scanner, which it says can scan up to 1.2 million points/second with a scan rate of 300 Hz. The RS6 also has a wider laser stripe of 150 mm at mid-range and a visual guide that can provide real time feedback for stand-off distance.  

According to the company, the laser scanner can scan a molded carbon fiber component without any reduction in quality or productivity, and allows users to scan 99% of parts without touching the scanner exposure. With repeatable mounting, the scanner can be removed if necessary and replaced without need for calibration. 

The Hexagon RS6 laser scanner can scan up to 1.2 million points/second with a scan rate of 300 Hz.
The Hexagon RS6 laser scanner can scan up to 1.2 million points/second with a scan rate of 300 Hz.

This story uses material from Exact Metrology, with editorial changes made by Materials Today. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Elsevier.