Plastics research center Aimplas says that it had €14.6 million revenue at the end of 2020, a 10% increase over 2019, after opening new facilities for research on polymer synthesis, recycling and health. Some 73% of this revenue was generated by 218 R&D projects (159 national and 59 international), which reportedly generated €40.1 million in direct aid for companies, while another 21% came from 5,000 technology services, and 4% from 150 training sessions. The other 2% came from membership fees, the center said.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, AIMPLAS helped manufacture face shields and carried out several R&D projects to prevent and fight against the virus.
Aimplas is a non-profit research association and member of REDIT (Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencia Region) offering enterprises in the plastics industry training, analysis, testing and technical assistance.
This story uses material from Aimplas, with editorial changes made by Materials Today.