The conference takes place every two years and is organised by EPTA, which since 2006 has been under the umbrella of AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe eV (Federation of Reinforced Plastics), of Frankfurt, Germany.
For a day and a half, 16 speakers presented information about innovative raw materials and technologies as well as new applications. In the afternoon of the last day of the conference there was a visit to METYX Composites' plant.
The conference was opened by EPTA Chairman, Dr. Luigi Giamundo, AT srl, Italy, and Murat Yalcintas, the President of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. The guests, who came from 14 European countries as well as from the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia and China, were given a concise overview of the worldwide composites and pultrusion markets.
A CD containing the conference presentations can be ordered from and costs €96.