Infrastructure composites - why we need standards

“Fifteen years ago, FRP composites were new and fascinating for civil engineers. The composites industry as a whole has matured greatly over that time, which is one reason we need specifications and standards in place so civil engineers can more readily specify composites."

So says John Busel, Director of the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA)’s Composites Growth Initiative, in the May/June 2012 issue of Reinforced Plasticsmagazine.

"We are not just limited to R&D projects any more; commercial ventures have become the norm", he continues.

"In North America today, there are some 400 new infrastructure installations utilising FRP and greater than 5000 installations where structural strengthening FRP systems are part of repair/rehabilitation of reinforced concrete. We want to keep that list growing because composites can save engineers many problems in the future through corrosion resistance and durability properties.”

Our interview with Busel can be found in full here: Infrastructure innovations: Part 1.